Mailing Object

You can use the Mailing object to access information about your mailing project. 



Name Gets the project name.
Path Gets the project root path.
ConnectString Gets the ADO connect string.
ReceiversQuery Gets the SQL query that returns the list of receivers records.
BlackListConnectString Gets the ADO connect string.
BlackListQuery Gets the SQL query that returns the list of blacklist records.
ListName Gets the current receivers list name.
CodePage Sets the default code page for this mailing. The code page tells eMill how to encode characters for different languages.
LCID Sets the default LCID for this mailing. The LCID refers to how dates, times, and currency are formatted for a specific geographical locale.
Published Gets the mailing published status.
Preview Gets the rendered message preview status.
Profile Gets the mailing configuration object.
AbortRender This method aborts the entire mailing rendering process.
CreateMail This method creates a new Mail object
SubmitMail This method submits a Mail to the Outbox folder.
RemoveReceivedMail This method removes the received message from the Inbox folder.
MoveReceivedMail This method moves the received message to an Inbox sub folder.
AppendToLog This method adds a string to the end of mailing log.
GetValue This method gets a value from the mailing profile (the .mil file)
Mailing_OnEndRender This event is invoked when the mailing rendering has completed.
Mailing_OnStartRender This event is invoked when a mailing is about to be rendered.
Mailing_OnAcceptMail This event is invoked when a message is about to be received
Mailing_OnReceiveMail This event is invoked when a message has been received.
Mailing_OnMailStatus This event is invoked when a message status is changing.
Mailing_OnUrlClicked This event is invoked when a receiver  has clicked on a link within a tracked mail content or when a mail content was opened. 

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